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Team Fitness at The Kingfisher School - Week 2

Team Fitness regrouped after school today for more circuits. Miss Craig was able to join the group today and was photographed in a perfect action shot. She's seen here leading the team by performing star jumps.....

Miss Craig Star Jumping

Keeping with our school values, Respect, Responsibility, Curiosity and Resilience we can certainly see resilience in each of today's pictures! Miss Chapman worked hard below....

Miss Chapman Squats

Curious to know how hard she can push herself, Ms Belcher worked up a great sweat and looks like she's having a good time..

Ms Belcher Having Fun

Our team coach, Joe Smith, is responsible enough to work the team to their fitness levels and respect each of them when they call for a break!

Mrs Beresford and Mrs Rickerby were being the best they could be...

Mrs Beresford Star Jumping

Mrs Rickerby Working Core Muscles

Our staff team worked hard again this afternoon after a full day of teaching.  Keep up with our news blog for more updates next week!

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