Data Protection

Privacy Notice – General Data Protection Regulations 2018

This notice is to let you know how Venturers Trust (and all of its associated academies) will collect, use and process personal data as a Data Controller. It is also designed to let you know your rights and what you can do if you have questions about personal data. This document sets out the types of personal data (meaning information about an individual from which that individual can be identified) we process, the purpose of processing the personal data and any recipients of the personal data we process.

In some cases, your personal data will be outsourced to a third party processor. This will only be done with your consent, unless the law requires the Trust to share your data or it is necessary for us to do so as part of performing our functions to provide education Where the school outsources your data to a third party processor, the Trust will obtain assurance from the processor that they will comply with their relevant legal obligations.

Venturers Trust collect and process personal data relating to our pupils and their families and may also receive information about the pupils from their previous schools, the Local  Authority (LA), the Department for Education (DfE) and other bodies linked to pupils’ development and welfare.  We may share personal data with other agencies as necessary under our legal duties or otherwise in accordance with our duties/obligations as a Multi-Academy Trust.

Below are set out the reasons why we collect and process personal data in relation to the legal reasons set out in the Education Act 1996 and Education Regulations 2013.

  • To support our pupils’ learning
  • To monitor and report on pupil progress
  • To provide appropriate pastoral care
  • To assess the quality of our educational service
  • To comply with the law regarding data sharing
  • To safe-guard pupils

For more detailed information on how we retain, process and share your data, please see the Privacy Notice below.


Click on the below links to read or download the documents:

GDPR Data Protection Policy (VT)

Privacy Notice - Staff (VT)

Privacy Notice - Students & Parents (VT)

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